Design Sedona | Generators & Switches
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Primary Generators

Primary Power Systems require specific considerations and are custom built to meet the demands of your unique location. AGM Power Systems’ trained staff will meet with you to determine your specific requirements.

Standby Generators

AGM POWER SYSTEMS provides custom-made standby power units.
These generator sets are manufactured by Generac, Onan and Kohler. Ask about our “On-Site Power Evaluation” service to calculate the proper sizing of your electrical requirements.


Portable and RV Generators

Come see us for Portable Power units from top manufacturers. We will help you determine your best options for your needs. We also carry and service a complete line of RV Generator sets from Kohler, Onan and Generac.

Transfer Switch

Transfer switches assist transferring loads between the utility and generator set.   An automatic transfer  panel starts the generator set and transfers power to the generator when utility power fails and automatically shuts down generator when utility power is restored. We can help you choose the right reliable, flexible and economical package for residential or light commercial standby.
